unimportant update news

hello~! sorry for not posting anything in the past months :|
surely, I don't know what to blog. hrhr.

kinda busy with school stuffs right now. yeah-- not. I honestly don't care about that LOL. I'm thinking about doing many fandub projects atm :B
oh yes, did I tell you? no? I'm a fandubber (or fancover) now. please check my videos here. and this is my fandub group, 4Clover. formed with Nacchan, Picchi and Chesha♪

sorry I can't post anything... important ;_;
this is just my latest news. I don't know I'll write again or not. and sorry for the messed up grammar, btw :/

later~ ♪u


saya mulai addicted sama Vocaloid dan Nico Nico singer itu.... kapan ya? Juli? hrhr entah, pokoknya masih baru. BANGET.
dan baru kemarin (atau kemarin lusa) saya nonton MV Vocaloid, Kagamine Twins', SYNCHRONICITY.

here's the link of the video (not mine):

CHAPTER 1 : Kimi wo Sagasu Sora

CHAPTER 2 : Hikari to Kage no Rakuen

total ada tiga chapter tapi baru ada dua yg keluar. boo~hoo~ ;(
di Synchronicity, ceritnya bener-bener kayak RPG. and many Vocaloid fans wanted it to be an OVA/anime or RPG game.
"Diva" is someone who has the duty to sing a song of prayer in the side of a Dragon. there's a pythoness, who guarded the Diva, and predict the next Diva. Teto, the previous diva, killed by the dragon.

Miku, the pythoness, took away one of Kagamine Twins.

Rin, the new Diva
Rin's twins, Kagamine Len, decided to go on a journey to find Rin.
firstly, he came to the palace and attack Luka. Megurine Luka, is somewhat a ruler of the country. a sadistic and evil ruler.

in the palace, Len fought with Meiko, a knight. later on, Meiko decided to come with Len. Meiko was a best friend of Teto, the previous Diva who killed by the dragon.
Kaito, helped Len and freed Gakupo from Luka. the four of them fight together and went from the palace to where Rin is.

before reaching Rin, Len and the others must face Miku, the pythoness who guarding the Diva.

Miku is really strong. Meiko, Gakupo and Kaito lose against her. Len was too. but then...
Len fought with Miku. he releases Miku from some "curse". he broke Miku's mask.

and then he went on to 'reach' Rin.

this is fanmade's story ;P
Vocaloid MVs and songs are letting us to imagine and creating the point of the story. they're giving us the song, lyric, and videos. the rest of it, we must think it by ourselves.
sorry for very bad English and grammar. what I'm telling you is just the main "point" of the song. to know more, listen to the song or watch the video ;)

la la la~

konbanwa minna-sama!
sorry for not posting sooooo long ;;____;;
not exactly busy, just lazy. ehehehehe. *slapped*

kabarku? tidak terlalu baik. flu menerjang selama seminggu lebih. and IT SUCKS.
I hate FLU! HATE IT! idung meler, muka beler, suara bindeng. GRAH! pengen cpt sembuh ;;___;;

oh anyway,
these days, my obsession (?) to Aoinagaru is increasing. I'm following his twitter and formspring, and adding him in skype. we talked a lot pretty much.
happy? of course I am :'D

there are things going on. both in real life and cyber life.
I don't know it's good or bad. I don't know anything anymore. I'm not always faking a smile, but... still do it, though.
this is my last year of junior high, and yet I don't know what to do, where to go (high school). stupid.
I just don't know anything anymore.

Deep Love series

di postingan sebelumnya, aku ngomongin tentang NG Life, manga yg kusuka karena komedi dan romancenya yg oke :9
disini aku mau posting ttg Deep Love series, a romance-drama-mature-tragedy manga, heart-touching and amazingly made me cry.
apa kalian tau manganya? Deep Love series by Yoshii Yuu o.o yg tau mungkin cm sedikit, karena skrg manga-nya udah jarang keliatan dimana-mana. apalagi genre-nya mature ^^" di mangafox (MF) jg udah ga ada. kalo mau baca, silakan cari di, disana masih ada kayaknya.
Deep Love... aku nemu ceritanya waktu iseng2 nyari manga buat dibaca karena bosen. ceritanya yg sangat "real" bikin aku terhanyut, dan sampe lupa waktu. jam 1 malem (atau pagi?), aku nangis sesugukan pas baca manga itu di MF. sampe sekarang, aku masih inget ceritanya dgn jelas. cerita itu bner2 ngasih aku kesan yg kuat dan dalam. btw, maaf bahasaku jd berat =="

kisah tentang cewek SMA yg jadi PSK, dan segala suka-dukanya. dia ketemu sm cowok yg suci, polos, dan sakit-sakitan dan neneknya yg berusaha ngumpulin uang buat dana operasi si cucu. berkat mereka, ayu berubah. dia berhenti jadi PSK dan coba cari uang dgn cara jujur dan halal. dia berusaha ngasih dana buat operasi yoshiyuki.
kisah cinta mereka ga terasa romantis, mesra, atau apalah. tapi lebih terkesan kekanakan, suci, dan manis.
sayangnya, gara-gara krisis uang untuk operasi yoshiyuki, akhirnya ayu jadi PSK lagi, demi mengumpulkan uang lebih cepat.

stlh Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari selesai, masih ada lanjutannya. Deep Love: Host, tentang yoshiyuki yg udah sembuh, dan berusaha cari tahu ttg sisi ayu yg dia ga tau. kenapa ayu menganggap dirinya sndiri "kotor" dan ga pantes disentuh yoshiyuki.
ada juga Deep Love: Reina no Unmei, tentang kisah hidup reina, satu-satunya sahabat ayu semasa SMA. reina juga mengalami banyak pengalaman pahit. dahulu, reina jg bekerja sebagai PSK bersama ayu. reina pernah diperkosa, lalu memiliki anak. dia pun jadi single-parent. anaknya diberi nama sama dgn mendiang sahabatnya, ayu. karena kecelakaan, ayu kecil jadi buta. demi biaya operasi ayu, reina kembali jd PSK dan bekerja jauh dr rumah. ternyata seorang pria bejad mengincar reina. yoshiyuki, yg tau informasi ttg reina yang merupakan sahabat ayu, segera menuju tempat kerja reina utk menyelamatkan reina.
lalu ada Deep Love: Pao no Monogatari. tentang anjing kecil peliharaan ayu dulu dengan nenek yg baik hati. setelah kematian sang nenek dan ayu, pao tidak punya tempat pulang lagi. bagaimana dia bisa bertahan di kota tokyo?

maaf, terbawa suasana jadi ngetik sebanyak ini T__T
ngasih spoiler pula. mwahahaha!! *??*
pokoknya, Deep Love series itu ceritanya bener2 menyentuh... it's like... sekumpulan kisah nyata diluar sana (jepang), dikemas jadi satu, dan akhirnya dibuat jadi kisah spt Deep Love.
it's an amazing piece. I'd cry so hard, until I fell asleep after reading Ayu no Monogatari. you'll find the real meaning of "life" out there, and "love". love is not lust, love is something more pure than that. something... that you will achieve, even without any physical contact.
pokoknya total recommended deh! :D
dan hasil google, ada dramanya. pengeeen banget nonton, tapi saya gatau mesti nonton dimana T_T
nyari di toko dvd bajakan jg gada kayaknya. ga terkenal, dan udah lama sih. nyuu~~

anyway, sampe sini dulu ya!
baca DEEP LOVE!! ok ok ok? sip xDb

about my favorite manga :)

aku mau iseng2 nulis ttg manga favoritku (selain TRC, VK, skip beat!, atau kuroshitsuji).
it's NG LIFE!!! ini manga karya kusanagi mizuho-sensei yang sekarang udh terbit sampe volume 7 di indonesia!

the story is about saeki keidai, cowo 17 tahun yg ganteng, pinter, jago olahraga, dan jelas, dia populer diantara cewe2. nah diantara sekian banyak cewe yg ngelilingin keidai, keidai paling dket sama cewe manis berambut pendek yg cuek-cuek imut (?), serizawa mii, sahabatnya dr smp.
meski kelihatannya kehidupan keidai normal2 aja, sebenernya engga. keidai punya ingatan ttg masa lalunya dulu. dia adlh reinkarnasi dari syricuse, ksatria tangguh yg baik hati di pompeii, italia, sekitar 2000 tahun yg lalu. serizawa yg selalu bersamanya jg adlh reinkarnasi dr loreius, sahabat syricuse. sayangnya, serizawa ga punya ingatan ttg kehidupan lalu.
di masa kini, keidai terus2an nyari reinkarnasi dr selena, istrinya dulu. dan begitu ketemu, trnyata selena yg dicintainya stgh mati bereinkarnasi jadi... COWOK. ujou yuuma, 15 tahun, tetangga baru keidai, adalah reinkarnasi selena tercinta-nya keidai. keidai shock, krn ga mungkin dong dia jatuh cinta sm cowok? tp tetep aja, keidai gbs bohong klo dia emg suka berdebar-debar liat muka manis yuuma yg selena-banget. diam2 itu bkin serizawa cemburu.
selain tiga karakter utama ini, ada jg beberapa karakter lainnya. sakakibara bersaudara; shuna, reinkarnasi dari aglaia felix, junjungan syricuse dan loreius dahulu, trs reina, yg mukanya mirip bgt sm yuuma (atau selena). dilos, salah satu bawahan aglaia dahulu, yg kini bernama mikage souichi, dan kagami shinogu, kakak sepupu yuuma yg dulunya sumiruna, kakak selena.
panjang ya.. aku nyaris nyeritain semuanya ya? abis keasikan ngetik -w-"

the main characters!!




hello! :D

konnichiwa minna-san~
setelah sekian lama (ga lama2 amat sbnernya) ga ngisi blog, saya muncul kembali!!
eeeehh.. apa ya yg bisa diceritain? :/ banyakan kejadian buruk sih, jd gamau inget2 T___T

akhir-akhir ini aku lg addicted bgt sm fruits basket :D
abis itu jg aku tergila-gila (cieleh) sm cosplayer yg namanya hagaren (dikenalin sm sora, cakep loh xD), sm aoinagaru (MY KANAME-SAMAAA!!!). aih mereka berdua su-paa ku-ru deh! (pelafalannya salah ya? maap ==v)
anyway, I even bookmarked their dA accounts!! LOL. abis ga punya akun dA, jadi ya digituin aja (?).

A Girl With Grey Eyes

A Girl With Grey Eyes
by AkaHime13
Gunslinger Girl © Yu Aida

a reason to live

dear bloggers... *HALAH*
ternyata selama ini aku kena dbd. aku masuk rumah sakit TEPAT di hari ulang tahunku, dan baru keluar tgl 29 kemarin. alhasil, tgl 28 aku gabisa ikut event animax itu. padahal katanya rame banget, ada cinta laura cosu k-on tp dicerca abis-abisan.
waktu aku sakit, aku banyak nangis. karena kesakitan, dan karena aku takut mati.
manusia itu... gak bisa bertahan hidup tanpa tujuan. tanpa tujuan hidup, manusia itu mau ngapain? mau kemana selama hidupnya? hidup tanpa arah yg jelas, malah bisa menghancurkan diri sendiri. buktinya? aku sendiri pernah coba bunuh diri berkali-kali karena ga punya alesan utk tetap hidup, dan karena merasa aku ini gak berguna. skrg aku punya tujuan, dan aku bisa tegar, bisa bangkit lagi meski tau bkal jatuh dan jatuh lagi.
semoga kalian jg begitu ya :)
maaf, aku lg buru-buru. pdhal mau nulis banyak. lain kali, aku kesini lg. dadah~ :3 -___-

halo halo halo!
akhir-akhir ini tidak berkicau di blog karena sakit campak. sebenernya skrg blm sembuh, tp udah agak mendingan, makanya bisa online sampe malem (maksain diri).
haha, aku ceritain sedikit ya x)

hari sabtu lalu aku ke BP beli alat-alat tulis, trs pas pulangnya ngerasa gak enak badan. malemnya gak bisa tidur, tau-tau besok paginya udh anget badannya. trs aku ikut papa-mama-kakak ke dokter, kebetulan kakak jg lagi sakit.
awalnya gak ada yg aneh sih, tapi lama-kelamaan muncul merah-merah di pipi dan tangan aku. lngsg ketahuan deh kalo itu campak.
besok aku ulang tahun, dan sekarang masih jg blm sembuh. hiks.. ditambah lagi, hari ini si bulan dtg berkunjung. awawa lengkap sudah penderitaanku..... ><

semoga aja tgl 28 aku udh sembuh, biar bisa ikt ke animax cosplay competition! >A<

alice human sacrifice

lagu vocaloid yg rada jadul kayaknya. ini satu-satunya lagu voca yg aku tau, huhu. tapi gak bosen-bosen dengerin lagu ini x)
sehari bisa brp belas kali muter nih lagu. ikut nyanyi-nyanyi gaje pula! fufufu -^^-
suaranya miku hatsune emg manis, tapi aku lebih suka suara rin kagamine. hehe. pengen deh tau lebih banyak lg tentang vocaloid. tp males download lagu-lagunya =w="
yaudah lah ya -,-

ini ini ini liriknyaaa!


intro :
"Aru tokoro ni, chiisa na yume ga arimashita. Dare ga mita no ka wakaranai,
sore wa chiisa na yume deshita. Chiisa na yume wa omoimashita.
Kono mama kiete iku no wa iya da.
Dousureba, hito ni boku o mite moraeru darou.
chiisa na yume wa kangaete kangaete, soshite tsui ni omoitsukimashita.
Ningen o jibun no naka ni mayoikomasete, sekai o tsukurasereba ii to."

Meiko :
ichibanme ARISU wa isamashiku ken o katate ni, fushigi no kuni.
ironna mono o kirisutete, makka na michi o shiite itta.
sonna ARISU wa, mori no oku.
tsumibito no you ni tojikomerarete.
mori ni dekita michi igai ni, kanojo no sei o shiru sube wa nashi.

Kaito :
nibanme ARISU wa otonashiku uta o utatte, fushigi no kuni.
ironna oto o afuresasete, kurutta sekai o umidashita.
sonna ARISU wa, bara no hana.
ikareta otoko ni uchikorosarete.
makka na hana o ichirin sakase minna ni mederare karete yuku.

Miku :
sanbanme ARISU wa osanai ko. kirei na sugata de, fushigi no kuni.
ironna hito o madowasete, okashi na kuni o tsukuriageta.
sonna ARISU wa, kuni no joou.
ibitsu na yume ni toritsukarete.
kuchiyuku karada ni obienagara, kuni no chouten ni kunrin suru.

Kagamine Twins :
mori no komichi o tadottari   bara no ki no shita de ochakai
o-shiro kara no shoutaijou wa   HAATO no TORANPU

yonbanme ARISU wa futago no ko. koukishin kara fushigi no kuni.
ironna tobira o kugurinukete, tsuisakki yatte kita bakari.
ki no tsuyoi ane to, kashikoi otouto.
ichiban ARISU ni chikatta kedo,
futari no yume wa, samenai mama. fushigi no kuni o samayotta.


hari ini gak sekolah, berusaha menenangkan pikiran karena moodswing parah beberapa hari ini. yah you know lah kalo baca postingan yg kemaren-kemaren -_-
tadinya mood udah lumayan ok, sampe tiba-tiba niat mau beli cimol gajadi (ok, sensi bgt gua cm gara-gara ini jd ngambek), trs yah.. debat sm you-know-who (HALAH). tp akhirnya baikan. mungkin?
dirumah papa-mama perang dingin. dan kheshia nangis terus. duh, gak bisa cerita lebih banyak dari ini :(
eh postingan yg ini terlalu pribadi ya? haha yaudah lah ya.
rasanya setiap aku baru bangkit, tiba-tiba aku dipaksa "jatuh" lagi. sometimes life isn't fair.

boooo~ red -_-

susah-susah dapet libur malah wasting time sambil guling-guling di lantai dan ngenet gajelas begini. help dong, bosen banget-bangetan!! mati gaya dehhh -_-
tadinya mau ke BP nnton alice in wonderland sama diva gitu, tp gajadi. uh uh cedih. tau gitu nonton bareng kakak aja deh :"(

a backstabber? STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!

I hate backstabbers. ga ngerti kenapa mereka suka nusuk dr belakang. kalo perlu sini tusuk dr depan. aku sih lebih suka tipe yg jujur begitu drpd yg suka mendem ini-itu.
if you wanna be my friend, don't be a backstabber. stab my back, then I'll stab you in the front for exchange.
haha peringatan dkit sih. abis gasuka banget-bangetan.
tapi yaudah lah ya, udah baikan ini. jd kata-kata diatas anggep aja angin lalu :p


dahulu kala, ada seorang siswi SMP yg doyan sekali mencontek. dia tidak peduli ttg pekerjaan rumah ataupun ulangan-ulangan di sekolah. semuanya ditelantarkan begitu saja, dan dia hanya perlu MENCONTEK.
tapi kemudian, dia pindah dr sekolah berisi anak-anak pintar nan baik hati yg selalu memberinya contekan. kini, siswi itulah yg jd sumber dicontekin.
yak, sayalah siswi itu sendiri -_-"

skrg jd ngerti knp temen-temen ngomel mulu ttg kebiasaan saya yg suka mencontek pagi-pagi, atau tepat 5 menit sebelum pelajarannya.
kini saya mengerti perasaan mereka >o<
rasanya kan gaenak gitu ya, udah susah-payah ngerjain, mereka tinggal nyalin gitu aja. dan paling gasuka lg sm yg CUMA nyalin, ga nanya cara atau apanya lah. gimana mau pinter kalo gitu?!
dan lebih ga tahan lg sama yg suka nyontek dr nomor pertama sampe akhir. ETDAH BUSET, USAHA LO MANA, MEN?!
zz emosi dah gua -_-

mending dapet nilai 6 tp hasil kerja keras sendiri dibanding dpt 10 karena hasil nyontek. BETUL GA? HOHO.

itu saja pendapat saya ttg pencontek.
saya mengerti betul karena saya dahulunya jg seorang pencontek, yg kini telah insyaf.

hampir mati karena alayers

as you know, tadi ke cbd sama chaca mau nonton lyla. hahanjing rusuh parah disana. etaugasilo sejauh mata memandang yang ada cuma alayers!!
mana gua diliatin mulu lagi sama mas-mas disana. eew?! GAH! pkoknya itu pengalaman pertama dan terakhir deh ikutan acara live musik gitu.
INDONESIA GITU LOH, MANA SIH YANG GA RUSUH PAS LIAT ARTIS? gua juga sih, tapi kayaknya kaki diinjek-injek sampe mati rasa, dada keteken sampe sesak napas, muka udh ga kerasa lagi ada dimana, uh... mantep. in a second I want to die!!!
#faktanya jauh lebih aman ikutan j-fest dibanding acara begituan. gamau lagi deh ikutan. dan gamau lagi dimanfaatin. lagian guanya jg bego sih, baru nyadar kalo dimanfaatin di detik-detik terakhir. dhara, dhara -_-

yaudah lah ya,
btw besok senin. atau sekarang udah senin ya? ha..ha.. -_-"
yah masuk sekolah :( ga enak bgt sekolah pas org lain libur! this is sooooo sucks!!
ck! coba boleh meliburkan diri -,-

gotta go now! write here later :*


but sadly, tomorrow is MON(ster)DAY!! :(((

oh lets just forget about it ==v

*knp serba kepslok?*
masa pas aku itung jumlah uangku........ :O
lumayan banyak. tp karena mau beli ini-itu buat masa depan (baca: beberapa bulan lagi), aku harus menahan hasratku!! T^T

ganti template abs itu off ah. chuuuuuu~~~

Sentimental - CooRie

mune no utsu kodou tameiki mo somaru negai
mitsumeteru dakede atsukute
okubyou ni naru koi ha machigai sagashi

kimi no sono bukiyou na yasashisa
hitorijimeshi takute KARAKARA mau shizuku tachi

kakenukeru youni afureru omoi dake shinjite
itsuka tokubetsu ni naritai omoikkiri uketomete yone
irochigai ni mau kokoro no senritsu ha kimi no motohe to
hibiiteku dakishimete itoshiki hibi wo

oogesa ni warau sono tabi ni fureru itami
hontou no watashi itsukara
sagasou toshite tandarou usojanai noni

namida mo egao mo onaji dakene
kimi wo nakitsu keteku kotae nante aru no kana

oikaze no mu kou sakimawari shite mitsuketai na
kimi ni ima sugu aitai yo akubishite gomakasanai de
musunda kioku sakibbo ga KENKA shiteru futatsu no
kokoro moyou fukuzatsu ha suki no KATACHI ne


kakenukeru youni afureru omoi dake shinjite
itsuka tokubetsu ni naritai omoikkiri uketomete yone
irochigai ni mau kokoro no senritsu ha kimi no motohe to
hibiiteku itoshiki hibi wo

oikaze no mu kou sakimawari shite mitsuketai na
kimi ni ima sugu aitai yo akubishite gomakasanai de
musunda kioku sakibbo ga KENKA shiteru futatsu no
kokoro moyou fukuzatsu ha suki no KATACHI ne

You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift

Lyrics to You Belong With Me :

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

Brick By Boring Bricks - Paramore

She lives in a fairy tale
Somewhere too far for us to find
Forgotten the taste and smell
Of the world that she's left behind
It's all about the exposure the lens I told her
The angles were all wrong now
She's ripping wings off of butterflies

Keep your feet on the ground
When your head's in the clouds

Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle x2
Ba da ba da ba

So one day he found her crying
Coiled up on the dirty ground
Her prince finally came to save her
And the rest you can figure out
But it was a trick
And the clock struck 12
Well make sure to build your house brick by boring brick
or the wolves gonna blow it down

Keep your feet on the ground
When your head's in the clouds

Well go get your shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle x2

woah woah

Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic
If it's not real
You can't hold it in your hand
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Even in the dark
And that's where I want to be, yeah

Go get your shovel
We'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle x2
Ba da ba da ba...

Ignorance - Paramore

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well, I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle, a mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore

Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
'Cause you know we're not the same
No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same

Yeah, I've got friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good
It's good, it's good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer, and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person, but you can't take it

The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well, now I can fend for myself

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
'Cause you know we're not the same
No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same

Yeah, we used to stick together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good
It's good, it's good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

The Best Day - Taylor Swift

I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home

I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
But I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today

I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today

I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you

There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today

slice of life :p

just gonna tell you something 'bout my life. if you think it's not important, not interesting, even boring, well then don't read it. as simple as that! :)

I'm almost 14 years YOUNG, I'm fat and ugly and stupid and clumsy. waittt, too many to mention if it's about my bad side :"(
intinya sih gada yg bagus ttg aku haha -_-

dulu, aku ini anak yg suram. suram. suram. suraaaaaaaaaaaaaam banget. bahkan mencap diri sendiri sbg anak yg ga bahagia. ejekan masa kecil kurang bahagia (MKKB) atau "mati aja lo" emg umum di jaman sekarang, tp buat aku, itu bukan sekedar ejekan. so be careful to say those words to me! or I'll get reaaaally angry xp

my life changed when I.........
when I........ I don't even remember -____-
I don't know since when I started to change myself.
yaudah lah ya, toh yg penting udah berubahnya ini, hehe. tapi nyatanya ko masih jarang sholat yaaa? hemhem kafir ya aku -,-"

what I search right now...
is a true friend. a best friend. a friend forever. a friend for the lifetime (bner ga spellingnya? sok sih pake bahasa inggris segala -,-).
sampe sekarang belum pernah ketemu. emg beberapa kali ketemu "temen deket" yg kukira "sahabat". but then I realize, we're not. hubungan yg bakal patah gitu aja karena masalah jarak atau waktu... itu hubungan yg dangkal. bukan maksud buruk jg sih ngomong gitu.

sahabat itu... dibutuhkan. from all people in this world, at least, have just ONE true friend. a friend that will always be there for you. and then find a love.

ONE true love, ONE true friend, all for ONE lifetime :)

I'll not try to suicide again. I'll try to do my best on my own. I'll try to keep on living, let it flow. because I realize, there are so many things I want to do while I'm still breathing. that's why... I'll smile and face the world.

haha postinganku bahasanya beraaaaaaaaaaaattt.
yaudah lah ya, sampe segini aja. bye bye, write again later :*

edit sana-sini o.O

kayaknya udah nih ngedit sana-sini nih blog :9
nanti ku post macem-macem ya hehe. mulai dr artikel-artikel ga penting, fanfic-fanficku yg ga laku, cerita keseharian yg ndablek... dll x)

kenapa aku ga pilih tumblr? well actually I do have tumblr account, but I don't use it. why? I forgot the pass, again =..=v
and anyway, I don't understand using tumblr! katrok tetaplah katrok!! HIDUP NDESO!!!! *??*

new blog -_-

begonya saya, lupa pass email yg lama buat blogger, jd terpaksa bikin baru. sebenernya ga harus bkin lagi sih. cm lagi iseng aja huehehehehe :p
kalo di blog lama isinya bagai diary yg frontal abis, disini ga ko. emg ada curhatannya, tp ga frontal-frontal amat x)
palingan lebih banyak copas sana-sini, termasuk fanfic saya sendiri :D
*baca: promosi fanfic*
haha, enjoy reading!